LENGTH:                       3 Days
COST:                             $2 568 + GST
TIME:                              9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
LOCATION:                   Accessible virtually nationwide in Australia,
                                         In-person sessions at select locations

Please note other than the dates below NGIS is able to offer private group training sessions for a team of four or more. Please send an email to training@ngis.com.au and we will do our best to accommodate you.




course information


This practical three-day course gives you a comprehensive introduction to the ArcGIS Desktop software, giving you the skills to use the core functions of the ArcGIS package. The exercises introduce you to the ArcGIS applications: ArcMap for visualising and editing data; ArcCatalog for data and metadata management; and ArcToolbox for geoprocessing. This course gives you a sound understanding of the basic geospatial concepts and skills to create, edit and work with geospatial data using ArcGIS. See course dates below.

No previous experience with ArcGIS software is required. Experience with using Microsoft Windows is essential.

  • ArcGIS basics including the ArcMap map document, an introduction to layers, the ArcCatalog interface and viewing attribute data for layers.
  • Navigating in ArcMap: utilising the pan and zoom tools to move around data in ArcMap; using the Magnifier and overview window to improve the ease of navigation; and creating spatial bookmarks.
  • Displaying data in ArcMap: moving and grouping layers of data; specifying display and reference scales.
  • Coordinate systems in ArcMap: setting and changing coordinate systems for viewing layers in ArcMap; specifying the coordinate readout format.
  • ArcCatalog functionality: perform specific GIS data searches; view and edit metadata for datasets; create data connections, and preview datasets before adding them into ArcMap.
  • Internet data sources: streaming live GIS data from internet sources directly into the ArcMap map document.
  • Exploring attribute tables: viewing, querying and calculating values for tables.
  • ArcMap symbology: using the suite of ArcGIS symbols and symbology tools to effectively portray the features from respective datasets; displaying data by categorising features and setting layer transparency.
  • Advanced querying: query data using SQL query statements; use spatial queries to select features with respect to other features; and join tables together based on common fields.
  • Creating data: create Shapefiles; setup Geodatabases with attribute domains and feature classes; and import data into a Geodatabase.
  • Editing spatial data: create point, line and polygon features using the array of editing tools in ArcMap.
  • Creating a map: setup a page layout; create grids, legends and scale bars; export a finished map product.

Exercise 1 – Understanding GIS concepts

  • Open an existing map
  • View attribute information for layers through MapTips
  • Re-ordering layers
  • ArcMap interface components
  • Optional exercise – identifying features

Exercise 2 – Map document basics

  • Different views of your data
  • Navigating around a map
  • Overview window  
  • Magnifier window
  • Checking attribute data
  • Setting MapTips
  • Finding features & bookmarking
  • Measuring distances and areas
  • My places
  • Answers to questions
  • Optional exercise – viewer window

Exercise 3 – Changing display of data

  • Grouping layers
  • Changing the display of layers
  • Setting a display scale
  • Setting a reference scale
  • Labelling
  • Customising predefined scales and full extent
  • Optional exercise – clipping a data frame

Exercise 4 – Working with coordinate systems

  • Setting the coordinate system
  • Setting the coordinate readout
  • Setting Australian coordinates
  • Transformations
  • Navigating with go to XY
  • Create a map template

Exercise 5 – Catalog and search windows

  • What is ArcCatalog?
  • Opening the catalog window
  • Connecting to your data
  • Find data in a table
  • Using the description view
  • Previewing CAD files
  • Search window
  • Preview map documents
  • Defining a coordinate system
  • Optional exercise - configuring catalog defaults

Exercise 6 – Setting up new map document

  • Creating a new map document
  • Previewing datasets
  • Customising layer display and symbology
  • Setting the full extent
  • Setting a reference scale
  • Using BaseMap layers
  • Saving layer files
  • Optional exercise – hyperlinks

Exercise 7 – Exploring attribute tables

  • Set up a new map document
  • Display attribute tables and modify their display
  • Edit attribute data
  • Select features
  • Create a calculated field
  • Calculating areas
  • Excel spreadsheets
  • Optional exercise – definition query

Exercise 8 – Symbolising data by attributes

  • Symbolising by category
  • Summarizing data
  • Joining tables
  • Displaying XY data
  • Symbolising by quantity
  • Graduated symbols
  • Symbolising with multiple fields
  • Optional exercise – advanced Symbolising using multiple fields

Exercise 9 – Setting up a GeoDatabase

  • Understanding database terms
  • Creating a project
  • Creating feature classes
  • Attribute domains
  • Optional exercise - raster catalogs

Exercise 10 – Creating & editing spatial data

  • Starting an edit session
  • Feature templates
  • Creating polygons
  • Tracing
  • Digitising with coordinates
  • Entering attributes
  • Cut polygons tool
  • Creating points
  • Optional exercise – fire break
  • Optional exercise – validating data

Exercise 11 – Presenting your work (cartography)

  • The layout and how to navigate it
  • Setting up a page
  • Inserting a picture and a north arrow
  • Depicting scale
  • Legends
  • Overview data frames
  • Creating grids
  • Exporting a map
  • Optional exercise – graticule
  • Optional exercise – inset
  • Optional exercise – table of areas
  • Optional exercise – A3 and map scale

Exercise 12 – GeoReferencing

  • Georeferencing using GPS Point Data
  • Georeferencing an image against another image (for V10)
  • Automatic Raster Georeferencing using Auto Registration (For V10.1)

Exercise 13 – Data analysis

  • More advanced attribute queries
  • Build spatial queries
  • Extra queries
  • Area analysis
  • Bonus exercise – working with CAD data
  • Importing CAD data
  • Spatial joins



Date Time Status
TBC 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Open


*NGIS reserves the right to cancel, postpone or re-schedule courses due to low enrolments or unforeseen circumstances. Where a fee refund is due, such a refund will be provided within 30 days. NGIS will have no further liability.

Please ensure the below details are of the individual attending the course.

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