LENGTH:                       3 Days
COST:                             $2,335 + GST
TIME:                              9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
LOCATION:                   Perth training room & online

Or contact NGIS on the form at the bottom of the page to request a corporate course.






course information


This 3-day ArcGIS Desktop for Mining and Exploration course teaches the geospatial concepts and skills needed to manage, create, edit, analyse, visualise and work with geospatial mining data using ArcGIS software. The course uses mining specific geospatial datasets, aerial photography and drilling results, and the practical exercises are typical of the tasks and problems faced by those modelling spatial information in mineral exploration and production. See course dates below.

No previous experience with ArcGIS Pro software is required. Experience with using Microsoft Windows is essential.

  • ArcMap basics - an introduction to the ArcMap application interface and the main tools used to view and navigate datasets, including utilising the Magnifier and Overview windows.
  • Exploring datasets with ArcCatalog - using the search function in ArcCatalog to search for datasets based on attribute and geographical properties; previewing datasets, connecting to data locations and working with metadata.
  • Working with map documents -  creating and saving ArcMap map documents; creating spatial bookmarks and interrogating the map to identify features.
  • Creating layers from datasets -  add and symbolise datasets to create functional layers in ArcMap; set coordinate systems; georeference imagery and create labels.
  • Symbolise geoscientific data - create a field observations point layer from a comma separated text file; use an observation attribute to set the angle of symbols; create and symbolise a faults line layer.
  • Internet data - search and load datasets into ArcMap from multiple locations, including servers from the Department of Mines and Petroleum in Western Australia.
  • Create and edit datasets - create shapefiles and Geodatabases; create points, lines and polygon features; explore snapping and advanced editing of tenement data.
  • Exploring attribute tables - joining tables; creating summary data; creating new columns and editing cell values for tables; and creating table queries.
  • Making maps - set up and create an effective and functional map using insets and overviews, incorporating titles, legends, grids and graticules and scale bars.
  • Graphs - create graphs, represent drillhole assays and collar data within ArcMap and then present the graphs on a map layout.
  • ArcToolbox - view and utilise a sample of the many wizard driven tools available in ArcToolbox, such as intersecting, defining a coordinate system for a layer, appending features and creating a new dataset.

Exercise 1 – GIS Exploration Project:

Introducing ArcMap; setting MapTips; overview window; magnifier window;
optional exercise – viewer window

Exercise 2 – Map document basics:

Ordering layers; finding features; attribute tables; identifying features; measuring; navigating with go to XY; bookmarks; my places; layouts
Optional exercise – using find and identify tools; test your knowledge: review a map

Exercise 3 – Changing display of data:
Start ArcMap; modifying your map document; layer display scale; renaming layers; display features by category; display features by quantity; adding labels; transparency; optional exercise – Raster Symbology

Exercise 4 – Using catalog and Search: What Is ArcCatalog?; opening the catalog window; connecting to your data; using catalog window; finding data in a table; using the description view; viewing CAD files via catalog window
Optional exercise – configuring catalog window defaults
Optional exercise – the ArcToolbox window

Exercise 5 – Working with coordinate systems:
Map coordinate systems; layer coordinate systems; coordinate systems in catalog window; transformations; projecting data
Optional exercise – searching for tools
Optional exercise – defining coordinate system; optional exercise – batch project
Optional exercise – favourite coordinate systems
Optional exercise – Albers Coordinate System for Western Australia

Exercise 6 – Creating a new map document:
Adding data with catalog window; grouping layers; saving group layers; hyperlinks
Optional exercise – definition query

Exercise 7 – Symbolising Geoscientific data:
Accessing data from a comma separated text file (*.Csv); creating an event layer; creating a Shapefile from an event layer; symbolise the map layer; stacked labels
Optional exercise – advanced labelling

Exercise 8 – Exploring attribute tables:
Joining tables; create summary data; create a new field; table queries; calculating areas; advanced queries; select by location

Exercise 9 – Symbolising data by attributes:
Symbolising by category; symbolising by quantity; Graduated Symbols; symbolising with multiple attributes
Optional exercise – customising symbols

Exercise 10 – Creating a Geodatabase:
Create a new Shapefile; create new file Geodatabase; Geodatabase domains; create a feature class; creating additional feature classes; import a Shapefile into the Geodatabase; import table data into the Geodatabase; import assay data
Optional exercise – import Shapefiles into a Geodatabase; optional exercise – Cad tools

Exercise 11 – Creating features (editing):
Annotations; creating points; creating polylines; creating polygons; adding polygon attributes; snapping and advanced shape editing
Optional exercise – cutting holes in polygons
Optional exercise – merging polygons
Optional exercises – buffering and clipping
Optional exercises – intersecting and appending

Exercise 12 – Presenting your work (cartography):
Creating a map; set projections; map scales; page size properties; grids and graticules; graphic elements; extent indicators; legends; printing or exporting maps
Optional exercise – using map templates

Exercise 13 – Georeferencing:
Raster data and Georeferencing; Georeferencing using GPS point data; Georeferencing an image against another image
Optional exercise – Georeferencing CAD data

Exercise 14 – graphs:
Creating a graph; adding a table to a layout; producing a map with graphs and tables; duplicating maps
Optional exercise – experimenting with graph options
Optional exercise – spatial join

Exercise 15 – Base maps and internet data sources:
Online basemaps; GIS servers
Optional exercise – accessing other services



Date Time Status Location
19/08/2024 - 21/08/2024 9:00AM - 5:00PM Open Perth
04/11/2024 - 06/11/2024 9:00AM - 5:00PM Open Online (AEST)


Please note other than the dates above NGIS are able to offer group training sessions for a team of four or more on an agreed date. Please send an email to training@ngis.com.au and we will do our best to accommodate you.

*NGIS reserves the right to cancel, postpone or re-schedule courses due to low enrolments or unforeseen circumstances. Where a fee refund is due, such a refund will be provided within 30 days. NGIS will have no further liability.

Please ensure the below details are of the individual attending the course.

Submit this form to start the booking process: